Meet the author

Hi! My name's Devin. If you're new around here, then welcome! Sit down, get comfortable, and get to know me! I'm the author of this blog and AwesomeAGClub. Here's a couple facts about me!

 I love to read. By the fireplace, on the couch, in bed, on the bus, in school...I'll pick up a book anywhere and read.

I'm not much a of a sporty gal, but I do enjoy skiing, swimming and surfing. The three S's!

I'm very weird. Very weird. Dancing around in the store, yelling random things...that kind of stuff. Just ask my friends, they'll tell you!

I love writing. I'm the only girl in my class who will write a story during free time, but I enjoy it! It's fun to get lost in a world that you create.

I'm not a picky eater, but my allergies to wheat and lactose prevent me from eating a lot of things.

I love baking sweet things like cupcakes, cookies, I'm making myself hungry. :)

I hope that helped you get to know me! Thanks for reading!

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